First of, Happy New Year to you!
I know I'm like, 6 days late, but it's never too late yeah?) It's a New Year, and I'm excited for what 2022 is going to bring. I've written out my goals for the year, bookish goals and non-bookish goals, and I'll be sharing my bookish goals with you.
1. Posting once a week
Okay, I know I said I'd start posting twice a week, I really thought it would be possible, but for now I won't be able to do that. I'm in my final year of school (YAY!), a new semester begins next week, I've got a lot projects I need to do, so I need to learn how to divide and manage my time for now. Once, I'm able to settle into a rhythm, I'll begin to post twice a week as usual.
2. Reading challenges (Read 50 books)
I started my very first reading challenge for the year on goodreads. I plan to read atleast 50 books this year. I think 50 is a realistic number, so I'll be updating you regularly on how that's going.
3. Be more active on Instagram and Pinterest.
In order to reach a wider audience, I have to be more active on both Instagram and Pinterest, which I will be doing. If you want to consume more bookish content, you can follow my Instagram and my Pinterest. Also, comment your handles and I'll follow you!
4. Interact with more book bloggers
The book blogging community is so friendly and supportive, I've made a few friends and I plan to make more. It would be nice to engage more with book bloggers on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest and to mutually support each other.
5. Read atleast 5 Non-fiction books
So, I've made it a personal thing to start reading non-fiction books, I've only been reading fiction books, and this year, I plan to read atleast 5 Non-fiction books.
6. Get Approved by Netgally to read ARCs
I hope to get approved by Netgally to read ARCs for my most anticipated books. Also, NetGalley helps to discover debut authors.
So, that's it, these are my bookish goals for the year. Not much, and I hope by the end of the year, I'm able to achieve all of them. What are your goals for the year? Let me know in the comments!