Books Vs TV Adaptations


A lot of people would rather watch the film adaptation of a book than pick up the book to read. I still don't get it. I've literally met someone who thought certain books were written after the movie came out, and I'm like "no no no, those movies are adaptations from books".

Many hit movies are adaptations from books, I was speaking to a friend, who is also an avid reader, we were talking about book vs movie adaptation, and she told me she knows someone who didn't know that the hunger games was a book series. Well, that was disappointing to say the least. When a book has been made into a film, you should read the books first, you get to imagine the plot the way the author wrote it. Books develop your imagination. You imagine the characters and the plot your own way, you get to be creative, and that can be really really fun. 

There are some really good adaptations of books that I watched first before reading the books or I didn't find out that the film was an adaptation until later, and when I find out about the book, I immediately go check it out because the movie or the TV show already did a great job pulling me in. When you read the book, you find out that the books are so much more detailed than the movie , because you can't really fit an entire 300 paged book into a two hour movie, so of course, some things are cut off, certain parts are changed. I like to read a book first, then watch the film, because the film gives a new interpretation to the books, you get the see the casting choice and see if it fits the image you already have in your head, if there'll be changes, and the details too. 

Over the years, there have been really really good adaptations of books, like the Harry Potter franchise, the room, Little women, Lord of the rings, Game of thrones, and a lot more, and there have also been bad ones, "tiny pretty things" was so bad.

So, over the next few weeks, I'll be writing about and comparing different books and their film adaptations, both the good ones, and the bad ones. This should be really fun. This will just be something I'll be doing just on Thursdays. Like a new segment on a morning show or something. I still haven't figured out what to call this segment yet. If you have any ideas, comment down below please. So, I'll officially be kicking off this new segment next week Thursday, not today. Also, if you have any book vs it's film counterpart, you'd like me to write on, let me know in the comments.

 Till next week folks! Have a great week. 

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